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Welcome to Uppsala!

Over 230,000 people live in Uppsala Municipality. The municipality is responsible for such things as childcare, schools and care of the elderly. The municipality looks after the water supply and wastewater treatment; it manages the streets, waste disposal, street cleaning, environmental protection and fire prevention.  We also have libraries and we ensure that you have access to various activities during your leisure time. We also work to promote the business sector, energy and housing. And we do many other things. For us it is important that people who live in Uppsala Municipality are satisfied with the services the municipality offers.

Here you can read more about how things function in the areas for which the municipality is responsible. The links go to additional information in English when applicable. You can get help in your language when you want to speak with the municipality; contact the department you would like to talk to and if necessary they will contact an interpreter.

Uppsala International Hub

You can also find more information about Uppsala at the English website Uppsala International Hub

Learn Swedish

Swedish for Immigrants, SFI, consists of basic education in the Swedish language and about Swedish society. It is intended for adults who do not have Swedish as their mother tongue. You can study with SFI if you are registered in Uppsala Municipality , have an upper secondary school diploma or equivalent, a permanent civic registration number and are over the age of 20. If you do not fulfil the requirements for study with SFI and would like to learn Swedish, contact the Centre for Introduction to School.
More information about SFI.

Health and care

The municipality has to ensure that all citizens receive the support they need to be responsible for their living situation. The need for support can depend on such things as age, functional impairment, abuse, or violence in intimate relationships. Support can consist of such things as home help, meeting points, conversational therapy or legal representatives.
Learn more about health and care


Children between the ages of 1 and 5 can attend preschool. From the age of three they have a right to attend preschool. Children between the ages of 6 and 15 must attend nine-year compulsory school (classes 1-9), as required by Swedish law. Young people who have completed nine-year compulsory school can choose to attend an upper secondary school. After that, there are a great many choices for education including college, university, folk high-school and adult education. There are private and municipal schools for children of all ages, and in Uppsala one can choose which to attend. 
Learn more about education


The Swedish Public Employment Service ensures that job-seekers are put in touch with potential employers. The Swedish Public Employment Service is a government agency and is free of charge. The municipality often advertises for new employees and cooperates with the Swedish Public Employment Service.
Learn more about the Swedish Public Employment Service


Uppsala Bostadsförmedling is the main provider of rental apartments with first hand contracts in the Uppsala region. By registering in the housing queue, you will be able to search and apply for rental apartments from over 50 different housing companies and landlords. The process of renting an apartment through Uppsala Bostadsförmedling is safe, reliable and transparent.
More information about Uppsala Bostadsförmedling
Read about housing for for students

You can also buy an apartment or house. There are many private estate agents who can help you with this.

Libraries and culture

In libraries you can, for example, borrow books, read newspapers in many languages and ask for information. The municipality also ensures that you can do things in your leisure time: visit museums, go to concerts and participate in sports, for example.
Learn more about culture and sports

If you need emergency help

The municipality is responsible for the rescue service, which consists mainly of the fire brigade. If you need emergency contact with them, or the police or an ambulance, phone 112. This phone number goes to a coordination centre for all emergency calls.

More information about emergency support. Here you can also find information on where to turn to get non-emergency help: for example, if you are threatened, need support or are subjected to violence by a relative.